What a day! I just got home from work and running errands. I still don't feel very well, so it has been a tough day. The good news is that I made it through Monday, and that the world is still turning.
On that note, here is the list of new comics for October 15.
Booster Gold #13
Brave and the Bold #18
Fables #77
Final Crisis Legion of Three Worlds #2 (of 5)
Final Crisis Rogue's Revenge #2 (of 3)- cover pictured
Justice Society of America #19
Stormwatch PHD #15
Titans #6
Trinity #20
Darkness #6
PVP #41
Astonishing X-Men #27
Mighty Avengers #19
Punisher Max #63
Ultimate Origins #5 (of 5)
Uncanny X-Men #503
That is it for tonight. Sorry to be such a killjoy, but my stomach just isn't cooperating with my ability to concentrate!
Yep, the world is still turning. Hope you feel better soon, good luck on the rest of the week.
Hows post Ennis Punisher Max? I should probably check it out as available crime comics are a short list...
Oh, geez, hope you haven't caught the "blogger flu" that's been going around!
Eaglewing, I have missed you! I hope you are doing okay, and that life is treating you well!
I like post Ennis Punisher Max so far. This newest storyline is fascinating to say the least..
Take care!
sea_of_green- I hope you are feeling better from your illness now! I think I did get the general crud, so that is a bummer. Hopefully this means I am all done being sick for the winter!
Take care!
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