Monday, June 29, 2009

Total Disgust: Bluewater to Publish Jackson Comic

I feel physically ill right now. I just found out that Bluewater Productions is going to do a Michael Jackson biography comic. When are these money hungry jackasses going to get an original thought instead of trying to make money off other people's lives? The "Female Force" line of books is ridiculous to begin with and now we are adding this dreck?

Darren G. Davis can put a spin on it by saying "he initially waffled at producing a tribute comic, but after receiving dozens of emails and phone calls he knew it was the proper way to show respect and give fans a lasting remembrance." I still feel like it is all just posturing in an attempt to make money.

As someone who is familiar with creative types that Davis has worked with in the past, I would hope that the people working on the book are getting paid upfront. I also wonder if Bluewater has done the work with rights and clearances yet? Are the Jacksons going to get paid a pretty penny or is it going to the comic book company?

It was bad enough this morning, finding out that the Jackson family are staking their claim to Michael's questionable estate. On top of that Joseph Jackson was on CNN trying to talk about his new record company while he should have been home with his grandkids instead. Going to the BET Awards and sitting upfront really shows you're in mourning, doesn't it?

You know, maybe the Jacksons and Bluewater deserve each other. Vote with your pocket book, okay?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A New Look: Wonder Woman by Ben Hansen

Since starting to attend comic conventions 12 years ago, some really cool things have happened. I have met my idols, had way too much fun with friends, and met and befriended some of the best new talent out there.

That is the case with Ben Hansen, who also uses the moniker 1314. He is an amazing artist whose work continues to grow and amaze me. I first met him a couple of years ago through the classy Quenton Shaw of QEW Publishing. Ben was working on a project for Q, and his art was extremely promising. Each time I saw Ben again, his work continue to improve, and he absolutely blew me away.

Which leads me to the Spokane Comicon. Ben was there with his lovely fiance Jolene, and he was sitting next to his inking buddy Levi Skeen. We got to talking and he showed me his newest sketch of his vision of Wonder Woman. I took one look and fell in absolute love. Ben is a genius! He made Diana look like a true warrior while retaining an alluring edge.

Lucky for me, Ben let me buy the piece. It is on my "will absolutely NEVER sell" list but I wanted to share it with you. Isn't it gorgeous? I will try and post it with colors tomorrow, since Ben also colored the piece and put in finished backgrounds.

Just wanted to share this awesome piece of art today and spread some love. Have a wonderful Saturday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pop Culture Loses Two of it's Icons

What a strange day in pop culture history. Two of the icons of the last thirty years died today. Farrah Fawcett, the queen of jiggle later turned feminist-actress-icon, finally lost her battle with cancer. "King of Pop" Michael Jackson made his way into the Neverland in the sky, dying of an apparent massive cardiac failure.

And the world hiccupped. Poor Ed McMahon, eternal sidekick and funny man will forever be kicked off the cover of next week's magazines. In better news though, so will the awful, horrendous, and irritating Jon and Kate. That is the silver lining in the cloud that has descended on the world today.

Sure none of these deaths is going to contribute towards world peace... not that I am aware of... but they are losses just the same. I remember watching Charlie's Angels in the 1970's and equating it to Wonder Woman and Police Woman. Though perpetually bra-less, the Angels always kicked butt in the end. To top it off, Farrah was married to the Six Million Dollar Man. How cool was that?

Though in later years, Farrah was riddled with bad press- the Letterman appearance, the Playboy body paint, the troubles with her son, and her tumultous relationship with Ryan O'Neil, she always remained the original Angel to me. I was very sorry to see her struggle with cancer at the end of her life. I can only hope now that she is at peace.

Michael Jackson is a whole 'nother story. As an older type gal, I remember sitting in my cousin Julie's bedroom listening to "Off the Wall" and marveling at the beauty of the album. To this day, whenever I hear the music from that LP, I always get a smile on my face. From that album, he kinda went on and did bigger things ::cough:: Thriller ::cough:: and changed the face of pop music forever.

There will always be the molestation allegations and the amazing level of weirdness that earned Jackson the nickname "Wacko Jacko", but I prefer to remember the incredible level of God-given talent. Sitting in front of my television, watching the Motown Anniversary special, I was on my feet hollering and whooping for Michael and his new fangled "moon walk". It was one of those moments that will always resonate.

What a day this has been. I feel sad and old right now. I feel like I have lost something special from my childhood, and it is a strange and unhappy feeling. There are no tears, but there is pain of loss all the same.

Rest in Peace, my pop culture phenomenons. Know that your place in history is secure, whether it be for fame on infamy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Comic Convention Hook Ups

I know I am behind on this, but I had to make a comment or two after reading the Penthouse article about comic conventions being a hotbed of romantic and sexy hook ups. (The article is NSFW.)

Because I have never attended a comic convention while I was single, I never really thought about hooking up at a show. I was pretty sure it happened, but I never gave it much consideration until now. When combining alcohol, a fun atmosphere, and a kind of vacation all in one, most folks let their guard down. Whether this means a booty call or finding love, it obviously is something that happens.

Another contributing factor that makes hook ups at shows more prevalent is that folks are meeting online first, and that helps with the comfort level. I can just now picture it- talking to someone online and knowing they are going to be at a show, it would raise the ante of a real possibility of finding love, lust, or a bit of both. God knows I have made some of my current best platonic friends through an awareness on the 'net, so why not take it a step further and find love?

As more women continue to attend these shows, both as creators and as fans, there is a more equal ratio of the sexes then there was 10 years ago. Twelve years ago when I attended the Portland Comic Show, I was more of a rarity. Now I am the norm- comic book t-shirt on, looking for a great buy, and holding forth about the latest issue of Incredible Hercules with other true believers. This creates an environment of mutual interest, which can lead to romantic attraction.

The thing that worries me about this article is that non-comic fans will attend shows looking for an easy hook up. The other thing that concerns me is a reemergence of the "Open Source Boob Project". It is one thing to acknowledge that one can meet and love another during a comic book show; it quite another to suggest that comic fans are "easy" and simply looking for love. I still know quite a few folks that are there for the bargains. :-)

It is fascinating to see mainstream culture talk about a subject like this. For so long myself and other women have been talking about equality in comic books, and while the hot flames of disagreement have died down a bit, it is still a hotbed issue that can be quickly stoked into a roaring fire. I am hoping this isn't the case with this, and that the story can be taken for what it is- a pop culture piece in a hardcore men's magazine.

Since I met my husband in a Wonder Woman comic book chat room twelve years ago, the story resonates for me in a personal way. I have also read about a few other folks who have met and found love in a comic book setting. What do you think?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Catching Up on Comics

The other day we got our DCBS shipment in, which is good. I read my books and then tried looking around the internet to see what is going on. The biggest thing I can tell you is this: I am really lost when it comes to the big picture in Marvel and DC.

For example, Marvel is focusing on "Dark Reign". As I understand, this is the aftermath of the whole Skrulls storyline. What I don't catch is exactly what the story is other then the fact that Norman Osbourne is now in charge of a non-SHIELD peace keeping organization. It also appears that several of his "Dark Avengers" are not the original heroes they are dressed as.

I looked at Ms. Marvel and it doesn't seem to be Carol Danvers. There is a completely different character under the mask. Also, I checked out Uncanny X-Men annual and something major is cooking with Emma Frost.

My big thing is this: having major cutbacks and not following the Marvel universe as a whole has completely made my ability to figure out the "big picture" impossible. No clues here anymore. To make it worse, Marvel is advertising a big crossover event with Dark Avengers and X-Men, and there is another "Secret" event that will be underway this fall. Crap.

DC has the Black Lantern "Blackest Night" saga coming up. I understand that to follow it, I will need to get the special Black Lantern Book, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and a series of special books. Also, there will be a larger portion of the DCU that is affected. I already know I can't spend that kind of dough and I am bummed. I have been really looking forward to this event.

Let me ask you this- how are you able to follow "Events" in the big two? I am gravitating being pissed and being relieved. A few books mean there is no need to follow, but the completist in me feels like I am missing the big picture.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Seattle Comicard Show Today

Today from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Seattle Center, the gang will be participating in the Seattle Comicard show. Come by if you are in town and say "hi". The hubby is here with his original art sales.

Special guest of honor is Mike Grell and a cast of artists on the verge!

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Amazing... Drag Me to Hell

Just got back from seeing the new Sam Raimi horror flick "Drag Me to Hell". What an amazingly beautiful and well crafted movie! I can't believe I am saying this about a scary film, but I can't help it. Having Raimi back in the genre from whence he came is a godsend.

The movie starts with a loan officer named Christine Brown going about her everyday job. She refuses to give a gypsy woman (played very well by Lorna Raver) an extension on her mortgage, and said woman curses her. Mayhem ensues as Christine (Alison Lohman) attempts to navigate and rid herself of the horror that has descended upon her.

The cinemotography is vintage Raimi with skillfully cut shots and original camera angles. I also need to mention the fantastic score. It fits the movie like a glove, enhancing the scenes being shown. I just can't say enough, in fact, about how well put-together this movie was. It is absolute perfection and it is just PG-13.

Since I don't want to spoil the movie, let me just say that I highly recommend this movie to horror fans, or simply just folks looking for a great show. You won't regret it.