Saturday, August 19, 2006

No Cats Allowed

We just got home from a long, crappy day to find a notice from Animal Control on our door. This is extremely interesting and shocking, as we don't own ANY PETS!! Evidently we are being investigated for having cats that pee on other people's lawns. Okay??!!??

We see two cats from time to time that nap under our front trees, but we have also seen them in our neighbor's yard getting fed, so we are pretty sure they are theirs. We have never complained because the cats weren't doing any harm that we could see. But after today, I am so furious at getting called out for something I didn't do, that I am going to run those cats off at every opportunity.

Fact: I am deadly allergic to pet dander. I can't have small animals around me. This makes getting investigated by Animal Control irritate me even more.

What is worse is that our neighbors are too chicken shit to come over and approach us themselves. I guess it's easier to report someone and hide, huh?

I have enough problems in my life right now. Dealing with this is just the icing on the crap cake I am having to deal with. What's next? I don't even want to think about it.


Carl said...

WHOA!!! I know how that feels! I have detailed on my LawnNazi neighbor's calling the county on us, when it's just myself trying to keep up our property. I mean, sure, who wants to get out in 90plus heat to take care of it and my job now takes up the time I would spent on it on the weekend. It's easier for him to call the county and be a chickensh*t and use them on us. Oh yes, it's also personal, 'cause him and his girlfriend (whom he claimed was his wife, yet, they never got married) think my wife insulted him. She said (to a new neighbor) that he was on disability and floats around the neighbor helping people. So, they came one night to our door (the bad-ass biker hiding behind his woman) and claimed my bride had said he was a "floater". I almost said, what, she thought he had drown? So, the lesson of the story is that these people have gone from neighbors that I didn't care about long as they kept quiet (and kept their drunken arguments in their yard) to where I root for bad things to happen to them. And the best part, they both studiously ignore us (how come they couldn't do this 24/7 365 before?!) like they are the better people. Yet, I've never sexually assaulted my bride or held her hostage nor been taken away by the police (3 times that I know of). I love my home and my girls have been raised here. And I do the best I can to keep it up with a bride with bad health issues (who got out there last time and helped me and then had to lay down and was almost dead the next day) and two young children. I guess they since they already thing we insulted them, things couldn't get worse for our relationship. Welp, these idiots are wrong. If something happens, like a break-in or they come to me for help, as good a person as I hope to be, I can't say I would spring to action like I would for people that are not petty nuts and criminals. I've always said their 'home' represented how they are. Their house is beautiful and their lawn manicured. But the people inside and their insides are ugly and lots of times drunk and nasty. Clean house, ugly hosts, should be their motto.
Hmmmmm, well, I've ranted quite a bit here. I guess it's 'cause I can really relate to cowards who'd rather push a few buttons and think they've dealt with a problem properly instead of being balanced and learning the truth. And they sure are not interested in justice or seeking the right people. In my case, yep, I couldn't keep up with the back yard. But unlike my neighbor who has no job, no kids, isn't home-schooling, doesn't have a wife with health problems (maybe a girlfriend with mental ones and extremely bad taste in men and a taste for living with a sadist)he can spend his whole day on his house and yard. While I don't spend my time putting pins in a Voodoo doll, I sure don't wish anything on them but the bad karma they deserve and they need it stat.
Sorry to carry on, but boy, I sure know what it's like to have cowards and whiny tattle-tell babies next door...

Carl said...

This part should have had extra parts I left out:

**I guess it's 'cause I can really relate to *HAVING* cowards *NEXT DOOR* who'd rather push a few buttons and think they've dealt with a problem properly instead of being balanced and learning the truth.**

Heidi Meeley said...

Jeez Carl, you have it worse then we do! Our neighbors on the left get "country" on drunken weekends, and our neighbors on the right are senior citizens. I know it isn't the "country" neighbors because they have more pets then we could ever dream of. Those seniors though... the lady of the house got real pissed yesterday, so it could mean guilt. Otherwise, they are nice neighbors...

Jeez, I wish a person could pick their neighbors like they pick their friends...