Monday, November 22, 2004

Things I'm Thankful For Part II

I can hardly believe how lucky and blessed Jim and I are. Today we both received gift certificates to Safeway from our bosses for Thanksgiving. We were able to go and get a great dinner for Thursday and also get our groceries for the week. How wonderful is that? We are both very thankful and appreciative.

Seeing that it is Thanksgiving week, I thought I would revisit my post of things I am thankful for by adding some new ones.

1. I am thankful to be gainfully employed for 15 years at a place I have been able to thrive. In today's society it is rare to be able to make a career out of a job, but I have been lucky enough to do so at mine. Don't get me wrong, I work my ass off and am very loyal and dependable, so it is partially by my efforts, but still- to have a reciprocal relationship at a place of employment like that is a valuable thing. Because of my job security and efforts I can pay our mortgage and have some of the things I want. For this, I am very thankful.

2. I have a close knit group of relatives. On both sides of my family, I am the first grandchild, so I have always been surrounded by loved ones on holidays and major events in my life. From my grandparents to my cousins, I have always felt loved and supported. To this day my family on both sides get together for the holidays and go to each other's events. Even though Jim and I don't live close, we still go and visit and spend quality time with family. If I could wish one thing, it would be that we lived closer to Jim's family so we could do the same thing with them.

3. I am thankful to live in America. Nuff said.

Take care all and have a great evening!

P.S. Jim and I just found out his sister had a baby girl named Carly, so we are especially blessed.

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