Monday, May 12, 2008

ECCC 2008: Back Home!

It is Monday late afternoon, and Jim and I have finally gotten back home and finished our unpacking. I just got the pictures off the camera and am looking at the internet for the first time since Friday morning. I hope you all had a nice weekend, and I am looking forward to giving you reports on this year's Emerald City show.

Once again it exceeded my expectations. We worked hard and played hard, all the while marveling at how much fun we were having. We made new friends, and had a blast with old friends. On Saturday, the place was packed! On Sunday, it was a lot mellower as many folks were not in attendance because of Mother's Day. Each day had a different vibe that worked.

It is time to start laundry and get my stuff ready for the work week so I will be back tomorrow with reports and new comics list. Thank you to all of you who made my time at Emerald City so special.


Sheryl S. said...

Hey Heidi, I did not see you at the convention, but I am glad that you had a good time. I did, too, and found some intriguing new comics. :-)

John Holland said...

Glad you had a good time.

Tegan said...

Thanks for allowing my crew to hang in your booth. If you get a booth next year, I'm willing to work the booth in repayment for the resting place. I felt like I didn't thank the two of you enough for everything you did for us during the con!

And it was GREAT to go out paTrolling with you. We work well as a tag-team fangirl attack.

Heidi Meeley said...

Sheryl, I am so sorry! I got your e-mail when I got back. I am so bummed I missed you!! I am glad you had a good time too! Next time, for sure!

Heidi Meeley said...

John, we have got to get you up here sometime!

Heidi Meeley said...

Laura, I was happy to have you! It was so much fun paTROLLING! It was one of my favorite moments of the entire show. We will have to make sure and coordinate next year, as it worked out quite well.

Thank you! It was such an amazing time and we make a great team of fangirls attacking!