Holy Crap- it is March! This year is going even faster than the last! I don't know what to think, other than to realize that as I get older, time gets out of hand. Before I know it, my nephew will be 16- it is in October, so it will be no time before I am in the passenger's seat with him.
I am pretty excited- I have two comics this week! Woo hoo! They are:
Secret Six #7- cover pictured
Boys #28
Those are two favorites of mine, so waiting until the end of the month for my shipment will be tough. At least I know I will be getting them, so that is good news.
If I had a bigger budget I would possibly add a few more titles. They are:
Black Panther #2- yes I am sucked in and want to know who the female BP is.
Daredevil #116- cuz Brubaker rules!
Surprisingly, that is it. Jim and I went to our local shop this weekend and I did pick up the final issue of She-Hulk. Sob. Mope. It was fun to get something "off the rack" without spending every last penny. I was happy to have a positive buying experience!
Tomorrow is the release of the Wonder Woman DVD, as I was babbling about in the earlier post. I am so excited! I have been saving my money, and will be able to pick it up. Do you know if any of the national chains are having any sales? Just curious.
Have a wonderful evening! I am off to get some dinner and relax before the merry go round starts up again.
If you're down to two, always a good idea to keep some Ennis on the pull list. I am now through volume 8 in the Preacher series for the first time - one more to go! Lovin' every minute of it. And yes, Brubaker does rule too.
Enjoy your comics and WW DVD. Hope you find a good deal on it. Good luck with the merry go round.
Eaglewing, you are so awesome! Reading Preacher is one of the coolest things to do right now. LOL! Enjoy it to the fullest!
I am going to find a way to pick Cap and Daredevil back up.. someday!
I haven't purchased the WW DVD yet. I am going to try and make it there tomorrow night and pray they aren't sold out!
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