It is just a couple of days before the "go live" onto the new system, but I wanted to take a quick moment to talk about something serious- being overweight.
The last five months have been very tough on me, and in the last few months, my gym attendance has dwindled. I still get up in the morning and do some cardio, but my weight lifting has been completely non-existent. Add the fact that I am eating poorly to the mix, and I am at the highest weight I have been at for almost ten years. I am fat and I am unhappy. Let me tell you why.
When I gain weight, it really accumulates around my stomach. That makes it harder to get a good, clean breath, and it has caused me to start snoring. Some nights I breath so laboriously that it has really upset Jim. All that fat around my organs isn't good for my heart either.
Since I am in my 40's losing weight means loose skin and more wrinkles. My skin has lost some of it's elasticity, so when I lose the weight, it will look like crap under my clothes.
Add in a higher risk of diabetes, heart attack, and high blood pressure to the mix, and I can't find a single good thing to say about being heavy.
That is why I am going to go on a diet tomorrow. My friend Rick works at a Fitness place and they are sponsoring a lower pressure contest. It isn't on the scary workout level of the contest I have done in the past, but it is still a challenge. That means no more candy and that means that after "go live" I will be back in the gym at night.
I don't care what the naysayers have to say about this. Being overweight sucks. It makes me look and feel like crap and it completely saps my energy. I defy anyone out there to tell me what is great about being heavy- there just isn't any reason.
Cross your fingers for me that I can get my work stuff done and get back on track. It is about time!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
New Comics for October 29

It is another big week for me at work. We are exactly a week from "Go Live". It is hectic, but very interesting. I can't wait to be up on the new system, as it will help me with my daily tasks. I also think that Jim would like to see me more, so he will be happy.
Here is my list of new comics for the week.
DC Universe Decisions #4 (of 4)
Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1
Justice League of America #26
Reign in Hell #4 (of 8)
Superman #681
Teen Titans #64
Trinity #22
Sword #12
Incredible Hercules #122
Secret Invasion X-Men #3 (of 4)
Ultimate Captain America Annual #1
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3
X-Force #8
Boys #24- both covers pictured
Since I am running so late, I am keeping this brief. This will be a spotty week for posting, as I am going to have no days off until November 8.
Have a great week!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Major Kudos...
On Wednesday, the wonderful Laura at Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog celebrated her six year blogoversary! Many congratulations and high hopes for many more years! That is just awesome!
In further anniversary celebrations, Johnny Bacardi celebrated his six year blogoversary as well! May you continue to be irreverent and inspirational, Sir.
I know that in the midst of my hectic year, I have failed to give a shout out to many of you on my blogroll as you have celebrated your milestone, so I just want to send lots of blog love to all of you who continue to soldier on, giving me a reason to smile and keep on reading!
In further anniversary celebrations, Johnny Bacardi celebrated his six year blogoversary as well! May you continue to be irreverent and inspirational, Sir.
I know that in the midst of my hectic year, I have failed to give a shout out to many of you on my blogroll as you have celebrated your milestone, so I just want to send lots of blog love to all of you who continue to soldier on, giving me a reason to smile and keep on reading!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Random Thoughts and Musings
In really good news, Jim and I got our comic book order Tuesday night. I was very excited, and have been randomly reading them the last few nights.
I am sad that Fallen Angel is going to end. I can't remember the issue number off the top of my head (help on that anyone?), but I will miss it. Hopefully writer Peter David will bring it back again.
Another book I have been pleasantly surprised about is Rex Mundi from Dark Horse. When the book began, I was intrigued, but wasn't able to get all the issues. Since the Dark Horse run, I have been on board. The book continues to improve, telling a tale that appears to be hitting it's apex.
I loved 100 Bullets as usual, and I laughed until I cried when I checked out The Boys. The last page is priceless!
There are many more books in my stack, and I would love to knock off a true blue review sooner than later. I am not holding my breath, but it would be nice to get back on the old review horse.
Work is continuing to rev up as we head towards "Go Live" on the company's computer system. Getting bought by another company can go many different ways, but luckily for me, it has been a pleasant, intriguing experience thus far. My harshest complaint is that I have been working so hard I haven't had a settled homelife. I miss Jim and I miss my blog, but both are being patient.
The bad news is that Jim and I will not be attending this Sunday's Seattle Comicard Show. Jim tried to get a table, but never got a call back. I am not too sad as I am very tired and was not looking forward to the drive. The worst part about not going is missing our friends. I am very sad about that. Next spring, Jim and I will be back on the convention circuit with a vengeance.
Tomorrow is Friday and that is a good thing. Jim and I are planning to order pizza and watch True Blood, so I am really looking forward to that. I hope you all are doing well!
I will see you back here soon to answer comments and babble about more stuff!
I am sad that Fallen Angel is going to end. I can't remember the issue number off the top of my head (help on that anyone?), but I will miss it. Hopefully writer Peter David will bring it back again.
Another book I have been pleasantly surprised about is Rex Mundi from Dark Horse. When the book began, I was intrigued, but wasn't able to get all the issues. Since the Dark Horse run, I have been on board. The book continues to improve, telling a tale that appears to be hitting it's apex.
I loved 100 Bullets as usual, and I laughed until I cried when I checked out The Boys. The last page is priceless!
There are many more books in my stack, and I would love to knock off a true blue review sooner than later. I am not holding my breath, but it would be nice to get back on the old review horse.
Work is continuing to rev up as we head towards "Go Live" on the company's computer system. Getting bought by another company can go many different ways, but luckily for me, it has been a pleasant, intriguing experience thus far. My harshest complaint is that I have been working so hard I haven't had a settled homelife. I miss Jim and I miss my blog, but both are being patient.
The bad news is that Jim and I will not be attending this Sunday's Seattle Comicard Show. Jim tried to get a table, but never got a call back. I am not too sad as I am very tired and was not looking forward to the drive. The worst part about not going is missing our friends. I am very sad about that. Next spring, Jim and I will be back on the convention circuit with a vengeance.
Tomorrow is Friday and that is a good thing. Jim and I are planning to order pizza and watch True Blood, so I am really looking forward to that. I hope you all are doing well!
I will see you back here soon to answer comments and babble about more stuff!
Monday, October 20, 2008
New Comics for October 22

Good Evening! I can tell that my computer conversion is starting to be condition critical. We go live on the new system the first week of November, and I am very anxious. The good news is that it will be soon, and that then I can start to look forward to more normalcy and the upcoming holidays, which I hope to spend with family and friends.
This week's pull list is fascinating, with both Secret Invasion and Final Crisis busting out the gate. Because of my DCBS file, I won't see either for another two weeks. I really hope they don't get spoiled all over the internet, but I am not holding my breath.
Here is the list.
Birds of Prey #123
Final Crisis #4 (of 7)
Final Crisis: Submit- cover pictured
Supeman New Krypton Special #1
Trinity #21
Noble Causes #37
Captain America #43
Daredevil #112
Hulk #7
Ms. Marvel #32
New Avengers #46
Secret Invasion #7 (of 8)
She-Hulk 2 #34
True Believers #4 (of 5)
Ultimate Spider-Man #127- I really HATE this story arc.
Ultimate Spider-Man #127- I really HATE this story arc.
X-Factor #36
X-Men Legacy #217
Terry Moore's Echo #7
Terry Moore's Echo #7
That is it for tonight. I am going to go scrounge up some food for dinner. Have a wonderful night!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Huge Bummer: Manhunter Cancelled
For the third and final time, Manhunter has been given the death knell. In an article at Comic Book Resources, it is revealed that the news comes from no other then series writer Marc Andreyko.
What a bummer! This book has been consistently excellent, yet the readers aren't there. Is it me? Am I the only fan? Did you think it was bad after trying it? I am really curious to know.
What a bummer! This book has been consistently excellent, yet the readers aren't there. Is it me? Am I the only fan? Did you think it was bad after trying it? I am really curious to know.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Random Thoughts and Musings
Because of the five Wednesdays this month, I haven't seen comics for quite awhile. My DCBS order is shipping today and I will have it Tuesday. That is over three weeks since we have received an order. Jim and I are well past ready to get our shipment.
A major bummer is that many folks have posted about Action Comics #870 with NO SPOILER WARNINGS!! Dammit. Even though it was pretty apparent what was going to happen, it would have been nice to check out the issue with no preconceived notions. Now I just want to burn the issue, gorgeous Gary Frank art and all. Please all you bloggers out there- post spoiler warnings. I am trying to avoid checking out too many sites because of this problem, and now I am too nervous to go surfing around the blogoverse. Those of us that get our books mail order need some love too!
In celebrity news, Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting a divorce. Wow. Shock. NOT! I am really tired of celebrity news getting more airplay on CNN then the issues that really matter, like our recession.
Can you tell I am unhappy tonight? Sorry. I just can't help it. My normal upbeat attitude is having problems due to being tired, not feeling great yet, and getting my comics spoiled for me before I can read them!
I hope you all are doing better! See you here soon!
A major bummer is that many folks have posted about Action Comics #870 with NO SPOILER WARNINGS!! Dammit. Even though it was pretty apparent what was going to happen, it would have been nice to check out the issue with no preconceived notions. Now I just want to burn the issue, gorgeous Gary Frank art and all. Please all you bloggers out there- post spoiler warnings. I am trying to avoid checking out too many sites because of this problem, and now I am too nervous to go surfing around the blogoverse. Those of us that get our books mail order need some love too!
In celebrity news, Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting a divorce. Wow. Shock. NOT! I am really tired of celebrity news getting more airplay on CNN then the issues that really matter, like our recession.
Can you tell I am unhappy tonight? Sorry. I just can't help it. My normal upbeat attitude is having problems due to being tired, not feeling great yet, and getting my comics spoiled for me before I can read them!
I hope you all are doing better! See you here soon!
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Comics for October 15

What a day! I just got home from work and running errands. I still don't feel very well, so it has been a tough day. The good news is that I made it through Monday, and that the world is still turning.
On that note, here is the list of new comics for October 15.
Booster Gold #13
Brave and the Bold #18
Fables #77
Final Crisis Legion of Three Worlds #2 (of 5)
Final Crisis Rogue's Revenge #2 (of 3)- cover pictured
Justice Society of America #19
Stormwatch PHD #15
Titans #6
Trinity #20
Darkness #6
PVP #41
Astonishing X-Men #27
Mighty Avengers #19
Punisher Max #63
Ultimate Origins #5 (of 5)
Uncanny X-Men #503
That is it for tonight. Sorry to be such a killjoy, but my stomach just isn't cooperating with my ability to concentrate!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tri-City Comicon- Great Conversations and a Hectic Day

Yesterday Jim and I ran down to Pasco, Washington for the Tri-City Comicon. Our definite highlight was seeing Laura and her husband Eric, while also having a great visit with Jason Metcalf and Randy "Rantz" Kintz, who work with Jim on Space Goat Fine Arts. Laura already has a great report about it on her blog, so check it out!
We had a nice lunch with our friends Brant and Carla, and had every intention of getting home at a decent hour. Plans did not work out, and we got a late start, missing out on seeing Laura and Eric again. I also had the unfortunate problem of getting ill on the way home, clutching my stomach and having a queasy night. That being said, I will post a more full report later.
I want to leave you with the sketch that Jason did for Jim. Why he isn't a superstar artist is a complete mystery to me.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Still Boring...
Tonight I just have nothing going on of value other then to mention that Jim and I are going to go to the Tri-Cities tomorrow for a Tri-Cities Comicon and hope to see friends there. Jim was going to get a booth for Space Goat, but was worried that the prices were too high. Bummer!
Anyone going to said event?
On that note, I am going to go sit on my butt and be unproductive. Only four more weeks to go until the insanity in my life calms down. Yay!
What's fun out there?
Anyone going to said event?
On that note, I am going to go sit on my butt and be unproductive. Only four more weeks to go until the insanity in my life calms down. Yay!
What's fun out there?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Random Thoughts and Musings
It is a Wednesday, and it still feels like Monday. I am having a good, productive week at work. It has been interesting to me to be up on a new computer and to start learning the new system. The last few days have flown by!
Because of the five Wednesdays this week, my new comics will not ship until next Wednesday. This means that when I get my new books, it will be three weeks of goodies. Woo hoo! I am getting withdrawals, but I know it will be a lot of fun to get that package.
When is the next issue of Final Crisis coming out? I am starting to panic and think I missed it somehow in all the shuffle of my busy work schedule. I should probably head over to DC and find out, but I am lazy. Bad Heidi.
I really have got nothing going on other then work and thinking about cutting four inches off my hair. It is down my back over half way, so it take forever to dryl. I also really need to go on a diet, but I know that when I get the computer conversion done I will have a lot more time. November will be the time for catching up on taking care of myself, so I am looking forward to that.
Anything exciting going on that I have missed because I have been working so much?
Because of the five Wednesdays this week, my new comics will not ship until next Wednesday. This means that when I get my new books, it will be three weeks of goodies. Woo hoo! I am getting withdrawals, but I know it will be a lot of fun to get that package.
When is the next issue of Final Crisis coming out? I am starting to panic and think I missed it somehow in all the shuffle of my busy work schedule. I should probably head over to DC and find out, but I am lazy. Bad Heidi.
I really have got nothing going on other then work and thinking about cutting four inches off my hair. It is down my back over half way, so it take forever to dryl. I also really need to go on a diet, but I know that when I get the computer conversion done I will have a lot more time. November will be the time for catching up on taking care of myself, so I am looking forward to that.
Anything exciting going on that I have missed because I have been working so much?
Monday, October 06, 2008
New Comics for October 8

Good Evening all! Happy Monday! Hopefully you had a nice weekend, and your Monday wasn't too horrendous. I have a busy work week, and know I am going to work late tomorrow for sure, so bear with me.
Thank you for all the great comments on my last two posts. It definitely gave me food for thought! I appreciate the thought and time that goes into it, and really enjoyed reading them.
Without further ado, here is this week's list for me!
Rex Mundi #14
100 Bullets #96
Action Comics #870
Detective Comics #849
Final Crisis Revelations #2 (of 3)
Green Arrow/ Black Canary #13
Green Lantern #35
Green Lantern Corps #29
Secret Six #2 - see awesome cover by Cliff Chiang, pictured!
Trinity #19
Wonder Woman #25
Deadpool #3
Secret Invasion Inhumans #3 (of 4)
Secret Invasion Inhumans #3 (of 4)
X-Men Manifest Destiny #2 (of 5)
Fallen Angel #30
Lone Ranger #14
That is it for tonight! I hope you have a nice evening, and a wonderful week!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Quote of the Day
Today a car with three women in it nearly hit me. Then they glared at me when I got mad. I relayed this information to a guy I was polling for my latest outside poll. He felt like these women were trying to start some trouble and offered to have my back. He said I could take the two big ones and he would help with the third. When I asked if he would hit a woman, he said this:
"Not hitting a woman because she is a woman is sexist."
"Not hitting a woman because she is a woman is sexist."
Friday, October 03, 2008
Naughty or Nice? Cover to Incredible Hercules #121

With the countdown to Christmas under official way, I decided to add a feature here at Comics Fairplay. Yes, it really is October, and right behind the Halloween shelf you can't escape at the grocery store, there is the spectre of Christmas lurking, just waiting to strike. With that in mind, I would like to present my new feature "Naughty or Nice?", which focuses on covers, books, people, or events related to comics.
What I am hoping for is to create a dialogue with you in which we discuss if something is naughty or nice. Rather then using my "Is this gratuitous" feature, which I am tabling until the new year, I thought this could be a way to have some fun. Without further ado, let's get this underway!
I have been purchasing and enjoying the book Incredible Hercules. I enjoy the interaction between Herc and Amadeus Cho, and apppreciate the sense of humor that permeates the action contained therein. It has also been a joyride of fantastic art, with runs by Rafa Sandoval and now Clayton Henry, making the experience an overall 8 out of 10.
Then I saw the cover to issue #121 by Arthur Suydam. It is a stunning work of art. Four beautiful but deadly women with huge guns stand over the battered body of Hercules. The look on their faces says "look at me the wrong way and you die". The stylistic tone is amazing.
Then I notice that the main lady is wearing a Victoria's Secret style bra with what appears to be her nipples showing through. At even closer glance, the gal that is crouching appears to be topless. Hmmm... it stopped me dead in my tracks.
I feel really torn now. I love the sheer grace of the work here. I also understand that Hercules doesn't exactly wear a ton of clothes, so it is a fairplay (heh!) deal here. He is beat to crap, and at the Amazon's complete mercy. The supermodel poses not withstanding, the women are the dominant ones.
Maybe it could be the fact that the Amazons I am used to seeing are the DC ones. They are armored up when they battle, otherwise it is toga city. The renegade Amazons in Amazons Attack wore fatigues and were actually pretty covered. Seeing a whole new take here by Marvel is a revelation. Part of the women inside the book are old school with the armored look, while another group are schoolgirl slutty and naughty. It is a whole new spin on a familiar tribe.
So I sit here tonight simply wondering this: is the cover naughty or nice? Is is groundbreaking and gorgeous, or is it simply a ruse to get guys to buy the book?
Let me know- I am very curious to hear your thoughts!
Let me know- I am very curious to hear your thoughts!
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