It is another big week for me at work. We are exactly a week from "Go Live". It is hectic, but very interesting. I can't wait to be up on the new system, as it will help me with my daily tasks. I also think that Jim would like to see me more, so he will be happy.
Here is my list of new comics for the week.
DC Universe Decisions #4 (of 4)
Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1
Justice League of America #26
Reign in Hell #4 (of 8)
Superman #681
Teen Titans #64
Trinity #22
Sword #12
Incredible Hercules #122
Secret Invasion X-Men #3 (of 4)
Ultimate Captain America Annual #1
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3
X-Force #8
Boys #24- both covers pictured
Since I am running so late, I am keeping this brief. This will be a spotty week for posting, as I am going to have no days off until November 8.
Have a great week!
How much does Linda Danvers feature in Reign in Hell?
Although I'd probably be best off waiting for the trade to be honest..
I have found that outside of the JSA, I was unconsciously avoiding most of the rest of the DCU. Everytime I would try to read a current story line I was totally lost.
The things I have enjoyed the most have been indies, Army of Darkness, The Walking Dead, The Man With No Name, Doctor Who, the IDW Star Trek books, Captain Action and Chuck. Oh yes, finally finished Y, The Last Man. Kind of disappointed with the ending. Part of me understood it but another part said, bah, that was awful...
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