The last two Saturdays I have spent most of my time cleaning our basement. This has turned into a huge production since the basement hasn't truly been cleaned from top to bottom since we moved in 8 years ago. Boxes have been moved, items have been juggled, and space has been made until there is no more left. Jim and I finally decided that it had to be completely cleaned, and that we need to have a garage sale.
The bad news is that I have found old bills that needed to be shredded going back to 1992. Crap. In and amongst all this shredding, I have found treasures left and right. I found several really cute baby pictures of my nephews, which reminded me why I think they are the most handsome boys ever. I also found old drinking and partying pictures from college. What I thought was really awesome back in the day makes me flinch a bit now, but I also have to acknowledge that it is part of who I was that makes me what I am today. I take great solace in the fact that I am fully clothed, if a bit inebriated, in all of these pictures. It helps remind me that when it comes to my wardrobe selections, I have always been a bit of a prude. Heh.
I also found some interesting comic-related items. Here is a sample list:
Avengers #401- bent to hell at the bottom of a box.
Azrael #19- not bagged or boarded, but in astoundingly good shape.
X-Factor #34- Angel doing the "Death" persona.
Fantastic Four #101- random. Odd that this was in with my old bills.
Marvel Knights Sketchbook- from an old Wizard.
Dawn #6- I already have a copy, so I can only figure this is for signing purposes.
Metallica comic book. Metal Dude!!!!
Several random Wizard posters from back in the day.
Riot Magazine #1- with a Joe Mad cover of the X-Men.
Wonder Woman: Amazonia. I always knew I had this but could never find it.
All this stuff was in random boxes covered by old bills and clippings. Nice.
Let this be a lesson to all you packrats like me. Don't let your clutter get to this point. It is a scary proposition. Disturbingly, it can also make a person feel like they have uncovered buried treasure.
I am glad we decided to clean the basement. It was a disaster waiting to happen, and I couldn't get any more long boxes down there. I counted 52 of them, and 7 short boxes. If I have any hope of going through my collection and getting it back down to a manageable size, this was the first, painful step.
What's in your basement?
The bad news is that I have found old bills that needed to be shredded going back to 1992. Crap. In and amongst all this shredding, I have found treasures left and right. I found several really cute baby pictures of my nephews, which reminded me why I think they are the most handsome boys ever. I also found old drinking and partying pictures from college. What I thought was really awesome back in the day makes me flinch a bit now, but I also have to acknowledge that it is part of who I was that makes me what I am today. I take great solace in the fact that I am fully clothed, if a bit inebriated, in all of these pictures. It helps remind me that when it comes to my wardrobe selections, I have always been a bit of a prude. Heh.
I also found some interesting comic-related items. Here is a sample list:
Avengers #401- bent to hell at the bottom of a box.
Azrael #19- not bagged or boarded, but in astoundingly good shape.
X-Factor #34- Angel doing the "Death" persona.
Fantastic Four #101- random. Odd that this was in with my old bills.
Marvel Knights Sketchbook- from an old Wizard.
Dawn #6- I already have a copy, so I can only figure this is for signing purposes.
Metallica comic book. Metal Dude!!!!
Several random Wizard posters from back in the day.
Riot Magazine #1- with a Joe Mad cover of the X-Men.
Wonder Woman: Amazonia. I always knew I had this but could never find it.
All this stuff was in random boxes covered by old bills and clippings. Nice.
Let this be a lesson to all you packrats like me. Don't let your clutter get to this point. It is a scary proposition. Disturbingly, it can also make a person feel like they have uncovered buried treasure.
I am glad we decided to clean the basement. It was a disaster waiting to happen, and I couldn't get any more long boxes down there. I counted 52 of them, and 7 short boxes. If I have any hope of going through my collection and getting it back down to a manageable size, this was the first, painful step.
What's in your basement?