It starts. Christmas madness is upon us! I went to Sears with my friend Kerry to look at televisions. There were some great deals, but most of the stuff was gone. That is what he gets for waiting until afternoon!
What are you doing for Christmas shopping? I am trying to be creative and do stuff that I can not have to spend too much money on. Does anyone have any suggestions? I will do a monthly calendar for my mom and dad, but other then that I am pretty lost.
What are you doing for Christmas shopping? I am trying to be creative and do stuff that I can not have to spend too much money on. Does anyone have any suggestions? I will do a monthly calendar for my mom and dad, but other then that I am pretty lost.
It was a nice long weekend for me. I tried to rest as much as possible and tried to get over my cold. It is still lingering, which is bad!
Speaking of Christmas, my hubby and the wonderful artists at Space Goat Fine Arts are having a huge half off sale! I am amazed at this great opportunity. The artists represented here are Richard Moore (Boneyard), Rafa Sandoval (Incredible Hercules, Ultimate Captain America Annual), Jason Metcalf (should be major star any minute now), and Randy Kintz (ditto!). Check it out if you get a chance. The sale starts tomorrow and goes through December 23.
On that note, I am off to try and cook up some soup for dinner. Take care and I will see you back here tomorrow for new comics!
My shopping habits are admittedly lazy. For local gifts, I shop some local shops that are close to my house and avoid the big chain stores. For long-distance gift-giving, I do online shopping complete with gift-wrap and delivery. Hassle free shopping! :-)
Could you buy cinema tickets for people? Some of the cinema chains in the UK you can buy tickets for sue at any movie, valid for a year.
Do you knit? Scarves would work, especially if you're in a cold area.
Sea_of_Green: I was considering doing some online shopping for my hubby's family since they are on the East Coast. I am just not sure. Are there any free shipping deals going on?
I do like using smaller local shops too. Hopefully I will be able to find some excellent deals!
Thank you for the help!
Saranga, I really like the idea of movie tickets! That is easy and fun- my family could pick the movies that they like!
I wish I knitted. It would be calming to my nerves and it would be a great way to make presents. Do you knit?
Unfortunately I don't. The closest I've got is a sewing machine i've used successfully once and then made a pigs ear out of attempting to customise a skirt.
I might be ok if I actually sat down to practice though!
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