Happy New Year! It is the day that is filled with special promise of things to come. It is also the day that folks make resolutions and look forward to the year. Here are a few of the comic book related things I am looking at.
1. Wolverine and Watchmen movies. I LOVE Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, and the trailer for the movie looks amazing. Exhilirating action, beefcake, and a chance to delve into the origins of Wolverine make for a hit movie! This is the movie I have my eye on. If Watchmen can get past the battle of the studios that is currently such a hot button topic, it will be the other movie to watch. I am crossing my fingers.
2. Batman- Race for the Cowl. Though I admit to still feeling a bit dazed by the psychadelic trip that was Batman RIP, I am interested to see where the battle for the cowl goes. This is a chance to bring some new energy to the Bat titles, though I am sad to see the end of Birds of Prey, Nightwing, and Robin. I hope those are temporary ends, and that we see new, energised titles by the end of the year.
3. Wonder Woman on DVD. The animated adventure is coming to DVD in March and I can hardly wait! The preview looks amazing, and this promises to be a fun ride. A fresh take on the Amazon princess is just the tonic this reader needs.
4. Secret Six by Simone and Scott. This book flies under the radar, and I haven't seen a lot of promotion by DC. I just want to bring to attention the fact that this is one of the most underrated titles out there now. Gail Simone is at her finest here, complete with wise cracks and amazing cast chemistry. Nicola Scott is an able partner for Simone, and her art has brought a new dimension to her work. This is a team supreme, and one to support.
5. 100 Bullets ends and the search for new titles begins. I have talked a lot about 100 Bullets this past year. It is a brilliantly done book that has captured my imagination and my heart. I am sad that it is ending in February, and am on the lookout for new material to fill the void. Hopefully there is something out there that will inspire and thrill!
Other wish list items include:
The X-books imploding to bring sense to that particular universe.
No major "events" for awhile.
A DECREASE in comic book prices. Yeah, right.
What about you? What are you looking forward to this year?
I'm just hoping the animated WW film is decent.
I'm really looking forward to the Oracle and Power Girl series. And the Star Trek movie.
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