I just got done reading the comments on my blog and I am a bit overwhelmed. I feel tears of happiness ready to flow as I re-read them. I am the luckiest person on earth to have made such good friends and to have such a positive vibe from them. Thank you so much for that. It means the world to me.
I don't have much to say tonight. My heart is full and I am a bit speechless. In lieu of anything heavy, I have posted one of my favorite songs from The Cult. Then I have the thrill of paying our bills and doing laundry. After that I am desperately hoping to not be too tired to read my stack of comics this week.
Before I forget, when I got to the comic shop today I had a surprise waiting for me. Evidently I had ordered the "Women of the DCU" Black Canary mini bust that had been designed by Adam Hughes. For the most part I really liked it. Best part: the fishnet look and feel like real fishnet stockings. Worst part: Black Canary had huge boobs in a bustier that is much lower cut then normal. As a look, what saves it is that the focus isn't the bustier so much as it is Canary doing her trademark cry. Overall I was pretty happy with it though my bank book was not. Did any of you see it today? Did any of you purchase it? I am curious what you thought.
On that note, I am off to try and get my long list of chores done so I can read my books. Have a wonderful evening and thank you again from the bottom of my heart for the kind words. I will be back tomorrow night with all my replies. I just plumb ran out of time tonight. Bad Heidi.
I missed the congrats party yesterday, so congrats! Here's to 1000 more!
So, the statue's a bust? Ho ho! Yeah, I am such a cad...
Gee...Black Canary's beat alot of villains....but she seems to be losing her battle against gravity!
Gee...Black Canary's beat alot of villains....but she seems to be losing her battle against gravity!
That's why she's screaming. She's yelling for Ollie to get her a bra that's more supportive of her ample... um, er... assets. ;)
So, the statue's a bust? Ho ho! Yeah, I am such a cad...
Nah, you aren't a cad, Carl. If you were, you'd have said something like, "Mini-bust?!? Good heavens, if that's mini, my own back start to ache at the thought of what they'd consider a 'Maxi-bust'." ;)
Ok, I'll be the cad - now that I have a mental picture, I really want to see a 'Maxi-bust' version now. :)
Oh, and apropos of nothing, hope you're enjoying your comics stack, Heidi. I read Punisher 52 and that is some damn fine writing right there. Even tho I could see that last page coming, every line up to it was fantastic. The kind of read that rattles 'round your head for a while after...
Johnny B, thank you for stopping by the party! I appreciate it very much.
Carl, LOL!! You crack me up!
Mark, you got that right. :-) The costume looks like it has a shorter shelf life then the canary cry!
Eaglewing- OMG on Punisher. I about dropped the book when I saw that last page!!! I can't wait to see what happens next. This is why Ennis is the MAN. :-)
Maxi bust... god help us all!! LOL!
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