Thursday, November 01, 2007

Random Thoughts and Musings

If my blogging has been a bit spotty and distant this week, I apologise. I have a sore throat, body aches, chills, and a fever so I am being whiny and a bit of a baby. The fact that tomorrow is Friday and I can depend on Saturday to get a bit of rest is definitely a help.

Halloween was definitely quiet here at Casa Fairplay. We had one group of trick and treaters and that was it so we have a bunch of mini Hershey bars with almonds left. To my credit, I haven't eaten any and don't plan to. It will be a nice treat for Jim in the next month. Because I got home late and didn't feel good I lounged on the couch and we watched the "Top 100 Scariest Movie Moments" on Bravo. It was fun to watch the various clips and hear the commentary from horror movie directors, stars, and film critics.

That being said, I haven't read my comics other then to mostly browse. Countdown #26 seemed like a bit of a summary so that kind of pissed me off. Hopefully now things will pick up. (This is me being optimistic or maybe it is the cold/fever tablets talking>).

I pondered the Occasional Superheroine/Pretty Fizzy Paradise discussion about using the argument that "you don't have a vagina" can backfire/justify an opinion. I tend to like to be able to use a more rational argument then attesting to my basic female anatomy to make a point, so this was a bit of a sticky situation for me. Rather then jumping on either bandwagon, I am going to ponder this one a bit more.

How was your Halloween, by the way? So many of you had exciting adventures and wore cool costumes. It did my heart good, and made me smile. Next year I am vowing to be back to my old self in that regard. Also I must note that Halloween will be on a Friday next year so I should be able to throw our annual party again. Yay!

Not much more to tell. I am feeling ill and exhausted so it is back to the couch for me. I have to work tomorrow and 6 a.m. comes early!

Take care!


Anonymous said...

Sorry you are ill. I had a low key Halloween too. Only ten trick or treaters and easily enough candy for three times that number. I wish we got more kids but there are a lot of muslims, fundamentalist Christians and very conservative hispanics in my area. So basically it's a big no fun zone for Halloween. I still put out my lights and Jack O'lantern and give away whole full size candy bars every year though.

I keep hoping that Countdown will pick up speed but I think I'm just getting ripped off.

Eaglewing said...

Had a bad round of the flu bug myself back in September, as did a lot of people 'round here. Maybe it moved West. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Not much Halloween 'round here either. Course, I was working, so I didn't see much of anything, but those I work with reported the amount of kids was down as well. Seems to be a trend over the last few years. Maybe the Chocolate Factory needs better quality control to lure the kids back...

Melchior del Darién said...

Halloween was low-key for me, too, but that's what we wanted.

My moment of comic-goodness this week was learning that a TPB of El Cazador was out. Cazador is a surprisingly good story about a female pirate (pencilled by Steve Epting) that was left unfinished by the CrossGen implosion. I was very pleased to see a "To be Continued" ribbon added to the final page!

Melchior del Darién said...

Oh, and here's hoping you feel 100% better, soon!

Vaklam said...

Feel better! My family and I are attempting to stave off the plague.

Halloween was a lot of fun. Our little skeleton brought in a serious haul this year. More of the people handing out candy were in costume this time which I thought was cool.

Swinebread said...

Get Well Soon.

Halloween was low key here too. But I got a few trick or treaters. Better than last year when i got none.

Heidi Meeley said...

Julius, thank you for the kind words. I am glad that you embraced the spirit of Halloween even though your neigborhood wasn't in the same frame of mind!

As for Countdown, I keep hoping that it will not continue to be a suck fest. With Morrison coming in for Final Crisis, I am crossing my fingers for a revving up of the action all around. Otherwise, yes, we are just getting ripped off. :-)

Heidi Meeley said...

Eaglewing, it sounds like the flu is working it's way around the globe, huh? My whole office was sick to various degrees Friday so it was not a pleasant situation.

It sounds like Halloween had a bit of an off year. Maybe it was because it was in the middle of the week. Maybe it was the current political situation. Maybe parents boycotted it and I didn't know that because I don't have kids. LOL! At any rate, I am hoping for a better Halloween next year.

Heidi Meeley said...

Melchior, thank you for your kindness! I am glad to hear about El Cazador coming out- I had missed that and I really liked the book! Maybe I will go try and find it next week. Yay!

Heidi Meeley said...

Vaklam, it is good to hear that your little skeleton made out well for Halloween! It is also great to know that people handing out the treats were more into it. Maybe it can be contagious and we can have more of that next year! Glad to hear you had a nice one!

Heidi Meeley said...

Swinebread, thank you! I am glad you at least got a few trick or treaters this year! We got a group of younger kids so we were pretty relieved. :-)We are a bit nervous when the high school age kids start knocking after 9 p.m. Jim has to put on his ass kicking face!!