In the last several months, there has been a great deal of anger about the comic book industry and it's portrayal of women characters. There has also been a great deal of dissatisfaction with the "big two" and their dirth of crossovers and the mixed end results. Fans seem a bit burned out and irritated in general. I feel the same at times, and find myself grasping at straws trying to justify continuing in the hobby.
To help put a bit of a salve- a different twist on things, I am putting out a challenge to my fellow bloggers and site reporters and owners. Take one day next week from Sunday, July 29 to Saturday, August 4 and do a post that reflects on an event in the past year that is comic book related and has made you smile. Maybe it was one issue of a comic book you were happily surprised about. It could be a shared moment at a show meeting a creator or a fellow fan. It can be anything positive that can give your fellow fans something to think about on a positive tip. It is up to you.
Are you up for it? Let's band together and find some joy, even if it is for just a brief moment. It would make this fangirl a happy camper and spread some love to boot!
That old Hulk cover certainly makes me smile. I hope this is how WWH ends and all the tensions from Civil War are resolved.
I'm in!
Time to bail on superheroes especially by the Marvel and DC. The big two are just milking the ideas and dreams of past creators. They’re big enough where they don’t have to care about the fans only their stockholders.
Try Boom Studios or any number of the independents.
Sure, I'm in. I'll post something up if I can think of anything :)
Welp, over the years I've had many experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly, but the good really keep you coming back.
My first fanboy encounter was with James Doohan, Scotty of the one and only Star Trek (yes, that's what I said, I didn't stutter). He signed everything I had, not charging a thing and then said after that, "Don't you want a poster lad?" And signed a "Search For Spock" movie poster for me, which he didn't have to do. Since then, Scotty had a special place in my heart...
Another class act, George Takei, Mr. Sulu and now Hiro's father was at a Star Trek show in Tampa. I got my autograph and then wanted a picture. I started to just to crouch down close to the table and he said, come back and set at the table! So, there's a picture of me with Sulu doing the Vulcan 'live long and prosper' hand sign. He made my whole month that year...
Herb Jefferson, Jr., Anne Lockhart and Dirk Benedict of the one and only Battlestar Galactica each talked and visited with me at a Vulkon in St. Pete. I got my books signed and got a big hug from Anne, got some cheesy pictures with Dirk (with my friend Kathi and him too) and I have a great one of Herb with his arm around me doing the thumbs up. Later at another con in Orlando, I got to see Laurette Sprauge, who played Cassiopeia and we talked for a few minutes and I'm afraid I flirted with her a bit. It was close to 20 something years later and she looked like she had aged maybe a couple of years...
And there's Sergio Aragontes (sp?) who actually did a sketch in the Groo collection I bought from him while we were talking. He had me laughing so hard, I didn't notice until he was finished. A great guy for the fans...
Eddy Campbell also did a sketch without me asking 'cause I had a bunch of his stuff including the big collected From Hell. He also gave me a letter opener, a keychain promoting the movie and I bought a poster from him and got it signed too. I talked to him for quite a while since no one seemed to know who he was. Since then, I've gone out of my way to find his books, he's a funny crazy guy with a biting wit on the industry...
Virginia Hay from Farscape was at 3 Megacons, the first time I saw her, I got my Farscape comic signed and I asked for a picture. I got down by her side and to my amazement, she put her arms around me and put our faces cheek to cheek. Whoa, I almost fell over. She's one of the sweetest people you'll meet at a con. And a few years later, I got to see more of the Mioya crew, with Lani Tupi (Crais) and Johnathan Hardy (the voice of Rygel) and they were so funny and nice and I talked to them for a long time...
Welp, I have a lot more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. That's really got me in the mood for Tampacon next month...uz
John, as an old school Hulk fan, I appreciate it as well. Excellent sentiment about WWH. I am hoping for at least one happy moment among the pathos.
Vaklam- excellent post BTW! I am going to try and get over there to post a comment sooner then later. Thank you so much!!!
Swinebread- with Mark Waid taking over at Boom! I am quite interested to see what happens. I have been enjoying IDW and Oni, so this could be another good one coming up. Yay!
Eaglewing- I will watch for it! Yay! You are a good sport!
Carl, excellent post. I am overwhelmed by your experiences! Thank you for sharing them here!
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