In just three days, the Emerald City Comicon will open in Seattle. I am very excited for many reasons, so I want to share them with you. If you live close, this may entice you. If you don't, I swear I am not rubbing it in; I simply want to spread some positivity and excitement about an event that only happens once a year, and that I always look forward to.
Firstly, I am thrilled that my hubby is going to have a booth there to showcase his business and the artists he represents. Called Space Goat Fine Arts, Jim has worked with his bossman Shon C. Bury to create a friendly, easy way to acquire original art from established artists as well as up-and-comers. Featured at the show will be art by Richard Moore, creator of Boneyard, and Rafa Sandoval, series artist on Incredible Hercules. There will also be a drawing for sketches of Iron Man done by Jason Metcalf and Randy Kintz, so make sure and sign up!
If you come to the show, stop by. I will be in and out of the booth as the two days go by. I would love to say "hi" and have a conversation. It is also a great chance to meet my mythical hubby and see what he has for sale.
Secondly, I am giddy about the amazing list of guests that ECCC is having. I always love to go see Matt Haley and talk about metal and other random topics. Also, the new creative team of Wonder Woman will be there! Both Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti will be there, and I am really anxious to see if there are any sneak peaks or fun tips about the book. PVP webgenius Scott Kurtz is coming to the show, and I want to try and get my hands on a Skull plush or at least gush about Jade and Brent's nuptials (happening now!). Phil Jimenez is also scheduled to appear, and I am thrilled. I just love him- talk about a sweetheart! I hope he doesn't mind me pestering him.
There are so many more guests that I could go on and on, and probably will tomorrow. I am just so eager to go talk to these creators and learn more about them and their product. The Lois Lane in me also plans to play girl reporter. I hope to get some interviews done and set up some things for the blog down the road. I am sad not to have my own booth about the blog this year, but am also eager to have a bit of freedom to wander.
I will be back tomorrow with more reasons why ECCC is the show to be at. As I countdown the days, be here with me and at least try not to shake your head too hard!
Just looked at the guest list.
You got more great guests packed into this sucker then two Wizard World Cons combined.
Envious am I? Oh yes.
That's nothing. If you saw some of the stuff I have planned for the booth, you'd really be jealous.
Maybe you should plan to come out to ECCC next year, Nick. :)
I'm dam excited!
Wish I could go. Maybe next year - I'll finally have vacation time then. I have heard good things about it, and not just from you and James, but from creators.
You'll have to take LOTS of pictures of the con & James' booth. Then we can at least feel like we've seen a glimpse of it.
Nick, I got two words for you:
We would love to see you here!
Swinebread: WOO HOO! Can't wait! See you there! We'll do lunch. :-) Seriously. Yep.
Lisa, I have got the camera packed, and hopefully will get lots of photos. I would love it if you could come to the show sometime. It is a blast, and your presence would only serve to increase said enjoyment!
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