I have known for quite awhile that this is writer Garth Ennis' last story arc on Punisher Max. Because I so desperately don't want Ennis to leave the title, I have been in complete denial about it.
Then I saw the pull list for this week and I couldn't deny it anymore. Issue 60 is Ennis' swan song on a book he rejuvenated. From the first maxi-series "Welcome Back Frank" to the last story arc about mobster wives seeking vengeance, the work being done in the Marvel Max Punisher book has been top notch.
I know there are Ennis detractors out there. God knows I have seen the rants. I can see the Ennis burnout factor even. I just can't agree. I shy away from Ennis' war stories because that is not my cup of tea, but I loved his work on Hellblazer, Preacher, Hitman, Boys, and here in Punisher. I just flat enjoy it. Ennis is irreverent and we all know it, but we still take the ten cent ride.
At any rate, I am sitting here knowing that his run is coming to an end. I have enjoyed his work with incredible artists on the book, and I just don't want to turn the last page.
That is why I choose to be in denial.
Reading Ennis is akin to watching an HBO series. You KNOW there will be violence, sex, and bad language. But you love the show and watch it regularly. In fact, it's part of why you watch the show - it's gritty and ugly and real and makes you feel a bit more alive. Reading Ennis is kind of like that.
Ennis is fine, I just don't like the Punisher Character.
He used to be villain and that's were he should have stayed imho
but I'd read Ennis' version for free. I just don't want to pay for it.
Excuse me, I simply can't let that huge glaring mistake go. The Punisher a villain? Maybe to liberal pain-in-the-ass pansy, Spider-Wuss, I mean Man. He was a Marine that came back from Viet Nam only to see his family murdered by the mob in front of him. And then, he was tricked/hypnotizied by The Jackel to think Spider-Man was a villain.
At best he's an anti-hero like Mack Bolan-The Executioner, Dirty Harry, Marv from Sin City and The Man With No Name. A vigilante that will stand his hands and play by the bad guys's rules, none. He's the only character that I even bother with the odious thing Marvel has become and finally the death of Cap even made me boycott my favorite character in comics outside of Batman.
I am sorry to see Ennis go, but Marvel drove me away long before his final stories...
Oh and Baracudda, you can't forget the awesomeness of THAT character.
Hmm. I loved Preacher but didn't really get on with Hellblazer. Possibly because I only read one trade and it was slap bang in the middle of a story arc.
I haven't read Preacher, I didn't know Ennis was the writer to be honest, but it sounds like it could be good. Especially if he's an anti hero, as Carl said. That makes it more interesting - I get a bit bored with the purity and moral superiority of a lot of heroes. Give me someone with anger and fire and rage!
Totally agree. I can't believe Ennis won't be writing Punisher anymore. It's been some of the best crime comics and just plain best story writing period I've read. From the Born graphic novel right through his entire run he's added remarkable depth to a character that is often perceived as one note. Really going to miss it - I'll just have to reread my hardcover collections.
I'll probably give the new writers a shot, but it won't be the same at all. And with Ennis leaving Punisher and 100 Bullets drawing to a close I think (out of the loop on that), thank God I have Criminal and Scalped for my crime comic fix.
I am looking forward to Ennis Battelfields stories, and there is still The Boys, so there's that, but it's a sad day to see this run end.
Lisa, you said it perfectly. I have to give an "amen" here! LOL!
Swinebread, that is okay. We all have our thing!
Now if She-Hulk guest starred, I bet I could entice you!
Carl, you are very passionate about Frank Castle, and I love that! I have always been a fan of the Punisher's gritty attitude. He didn't fit the mold, but the way his cards played out, it was only going to play out two ways- one was supreme vigilante and executer of justice or priesthood. I think we know which way he went!
Nick, thank you for mentioning Barracuda! That is what I call a bad ass! The chemistry and nastiness therein was remarkable.
Saranga, I think you would love Preacher! It is irreverent, painful, and touching all at the same time. It stands today as one of my all time favorite reads. To me it will always be Ennis' masterpiece.
This one I can vouch for! If you ever give it a try, let me know!
Eaglewing, I am so sad that Ennis is leaving! He just flat did a fantastic job. He understood the pain and rage that Frank Castle carried it, and he added the military history and sense of justice that has been missing from earlier incarnations. Ennis really got the character and made him the way he always should have been.
At least we still have The Boys!
Hi Heidi,
I just reread my comment and noticed a typo. :o I have read Preacher and it is indeed awesome. I haven't read Punisher.
*must learn to check messages before I hit post comment*
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