After Sunday's surprise elimination of Rodeo and Brandi C., Poison front man Bret Michaels has narrowed his field of contestants down to eight. These ladies possess unique and diverse personalities, making it hard for me to judge exactly what Bret is looking for. Because of this, I have formed my own opinion and am ready to share it here, end results be damned.
Brandi M: My favorite wild chick. Brandi is a care free rocker with partying on her mind. She doesn't seem to fit the "slutty girls" mold, but holds her own with a fresh faced beauty and a street sharp sense of when to be quiet and let the other girls hold court. I am hoping she makes it to the end.
Erin: She of the most buoyant boobs I have ever seen is hanging in there with a mix of sweetness and incredible looks. I can’t decide about Erin yet but she did endear me to her when she got so nervous performing in front of Bret. Erin has seemed a bit cocky in prior episodes, so it was nice to see a different side of her. I am warming up to Erin at this point in time.
Heather: the stripper with the heart of gold seems to hold true here. Heather has emerged as a leader of the pack with her wizened and weary attitude, and has captured Bret's attention with her sense of fun. Least favorite thing about Heather: she continuously shows her boobs. Best thing about Heather: she has a great personality- I would love to hang out with her. Heather scores points with Bret for several reasons, but I believe he feels a sense of kinship with her because they are both entertainers. I see Heather sticking around for a bit as she is no shrinking violet.
Jess: the gorgeous and punky Jess is the dark horse to win. She is quiet compared to the "slutty girls" but she is still fun loving. She hasn't gotten much air time yet, and I think there is a reason for that. I am convinced that in the next few episodes she will emerge as the front runner. Bret is keeping her around for a reason- I just don't know what it is yet.
Lacey: the PETA rocker. Lacey has set herself up as the show’s villain so she gets quite a bit of air time. Because of her bad behavior, she is my least favorite lady left on the show, and if she read this, she would probably be happy about that. Lacey isn’t trying to impress anyone but herself. She is also presumably on the show to promote her band. Her interaction with Bret has left me puzzled, as she has partied hard with him, and they get along, but I don’t see a spark there. I also wonder if she has considered the fact that Bret wears leather and hunts. Hmmmm… I don’t see this match working at this point.
Magdalena: I have been scratching my head trying to figure out why Magdalena was still on the show until the last episode. When she, Heather, and Bret drank several shots of vodka and engaged in a raucous game of “triple kissing” it all dawned on me. Mags is in it to win and she is going to party hard enough to keep Bret’s attention. It doesn’t hurt that she is a model from Poland with incredible long legs. If the lady keeps stepping up her game, she will stay.
Mia: Because Mia hasn’t had a lot of air time, I still don’t know why she is there. Sure she is a pretty girl, but nothing I have seen has made her stand out. In my eyes as of now, she is Mags’ friend, but I don’t see a connection with Bret. I guess time will tell!
Samantha: the girl doesn’t smoke or drink, but she has definitely caught Bret’s attention. I don’t know if it is her plethora of tattoos or her love of metal that gives her an edge, but Sam is the one to beat at this point. Bret likes her sense of mystery and seems to appreciate the fact that she is a fixer-upper with trust issues. At this point, I think she is going to win the whole shooting match even though she is not my favorite lady on the show. It is a gut feeling.
DARK HORSE ODDS: I really want Rodeo to come back. I think it could happen. I want it to happen. Please have it happen, VH-1. It would be so damn cool!
Do any of you have an opinion on who you think is going to win? How about a favorite lady? I am curious to know what you are thinking.
My blog will continue with its regular scheduled programming about comics tomorrow!
Weird...I've never even heard of this show...and I'm usually an instant slave to any reality show that comes down the pike.
What do the girls win?
Mark, I know this will warm the cockles of your heart: the ladies win the love of Poison frontman Bret Michaels! That is the prize. I don't believe any money is involved, but hopefully they get some nice gifts!! Heh.
I'm lovin' this show too.
I loved it when Bret got drunk on his date, stumbling in his front door and strutting into his bedroom wanting to get wild in the sheets with the girls!
Bret, you're the rock n' roll Man!
P'la and I are heading out to see POISON and RATT tonight LIVE at the Oregon Gardens Amphitheater!!!
Wish you could have made this one--We'll make it to a Metal show together yet!
Rock on!
Kirk: YOU ARE THE MAN WITH ALL CAPITAL LETTERS! I am jealous but excited for you and Pamela! Tell me all about it tomorrow!!
Have fun!
You are dead on with your observations of all of the girls. Love Erin, Sam, & Jess
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