Well, I finally did it. I made myself go get a new bluetooth. Since laws will prohibit handheld cell phone conversations as of July 1, it was bloody well time. My biggest problem was that I had already tried a bluetooth and ended up hating it. To top it off, the thing was a piece of crap that only lasted about four months before dying completely.
To say the least, I was very hesitant to try another one.
After work I headed over to AT&T Wireless to get a bluetooth. I had done some research on the internet and had also considered what I didn't like about the first one. My requirements were simple.
1. No bud in the ear, as it drives me nuts.
2. No crappy little piece of plastic holding it on my ear. I wanted durable.
With that in mind, I picked up the Universal Motorola H271 to pair to my Razr. Since my Razr is almost two year old, I was a bit leary, but I am crossing my fingers. My friend Kerry has a similar model that seems to work well.
I like the fact that there is a boom on it, so I can close it and turn it off during my office hours. I also like that it rests against my ear instead of in it. Wearing glasses unnerves me enough and I didn't want to increase my stress.
Tonight will be my night to try it. I have to let it charge for two hours and then I am going to test it. Wish me luck.
One last thing: do any of you out there have this bluetooth? What are your opinions on it or other models? Do you wear a bluetooth consistently, and how does it feel and work?
I am really curious!
I will be back tomorrow with hopefully some help from you!
To say the least, I was very hesitant to try another one.
After work I headed over to AT&T Wireless to get a bluetooth. I had done some research on the internet and had also considered what I didn't like about the first one. My requirements were simple.
1. No bud in the ear, as it drives me nuts.
2. No crappy little piece of plastic holding it on my ear. I wanted durable.
With that in mind, I picked up the Universal Motorola H271 to pair to my Razr. Since my Razr is almost two year old, I was a bit leary, but I am crossing my fingers. My friend Kerry has a similar model that seems to work well.
I like the fact that there is a boom on it, so I can close it and turn it off during my office hours. I also like that it rests against my ear instead of in it. Wearing glasses unnerves me enough and I didn't want to increase my stress.
Tonight will be my night to try it. I have to let it charge for two hours and then I am going to test it. Wish me luck.
One last thing: do any of you out there have this bluetooth? What are your opinions on it or other models? Do you wear a bluetooth consistently, and how does it feel and work?
I am really curious!
I will be back tomorrow with hopefully some help from you!
Since laws will prohibit handheld cell phone conversations as of July 1...
Say WHAT? What laws? Where?
I should have been more specific. For me it was Washington State law that goes into effect. I also know it goes into effect in California.
Here is a list of the rules, but I am fearful that the link won't work and you will have to copy and paste.
Hopefully this is works...
Hey, it worked just fine!
I see what that's about now. So far they don't have a law in KY like that, but I'm sure it's a matter of time...
My cell's out anyway, so it would'nt affect me one way or the other!
In the new Doctor Who series, the Cybermen used our technology in an alternative Earth to take over and make people into new Cybermen. I wouldn't have anything like that on my head. And then of course, there's Cell by Stephen King.
Remember, technology is your friend...
I don't use bluetooth but have thought about it, so you'll have to let me know how it goes.
Johnny b, do you see a lot of folks driving down the road while chatting away on the phone? Is it getting ugly yet? That is the problem here- I see people texting and talking while not looking at the road. Nice. I guess it is for the best.
I use my cell for work, otherwise I feel like throwing it out of my car window somedays. The best thing I can say about getting a bluetooth is it eases my carpel tunnel. LOL.
What happened to your phone? Do I dare ask? If you don't miss it, I wouldn't be in any hurry to replace it!
Carl- I keep wondering when my bluetooth is going to surgically attach to my head like the guys in Star Trek. That is next. LOL!
Swinebread- thank you! Very cool!
John, day one has been fine. I like it pretty well, as it gives my hand and wrist a break. This particular bluetooth has excellent clarity and quality so I am very relieved.
I will report back in a couple of weeks and see if I change my mind and want to throw it in the garbage. It is definitely something to consider if you end up using the phone a lot though.
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