Wow, it is the second week of December already! Luckily, Jim and I pretty much know all our Christmas gift giving now, so we are feeling a bit better. I just have to finish a few things and we will be pretty well set.
This week is very heavy with DC books. I think that Marvel must be having a bit of a lull with the aftermath of Secret Invasion. It is scary knowing that next week my second to last big shipment will be sent.
Here is this week's list.
100 Bullets #98
Action Comics #872
Booster Gold #15
Detective Comics #851
Final Crisis #5 (of 7) - pictured
Green Arrow Black Canary #15
Green Lantern Corps #31
Justice League of America #27
Nightwing #151
Secret Six #4
Titans #8
Trinity #28
Witchblade #122
Secret Invasion Dark Reign
Lone Ranger #16
That is the list! Now I have to run off and watch Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, followed by the SERIES FINALE of Boston Legal. What a bummer!
Maybe it's just me, but on that cover WW face looks like a dude. Or maybe I'm just tired.
Boston Legal is over? What will Shatner do now? I never watched it on a regular basis, but any episode I caught was excellent.
Eaglewing, Wonder Woman definitely looks ready to come through the cover, that much is true!
Shatner has his own talk show now, which is a bit frightening. I am a huge fan, but he is in his own place mentally and spiritually, so who is to say how it will play out?
Eaglewing, Wonder Woman definitely looks ready to come through the cover, that much is true!
Shatner has his own talk show now, which is a bit frightening. I am a huge fan, but he is in his own place mentally and spiritually, so who is to say how it will play out?
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